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Instrumentation and Equipment

The Calvo lab encompasses about 1700 square feet of lab space and is equipped with 10 fume hoods and ample bench space. Our lab offers a wide variety of equipment for the synthesis, purification, and analysis of polymers and materials as described below. We also have access to shared instrumentation within the K-State Chemistry Department including NMR (400, 600 MHz), XRD, TGA, DSC, ITC, UV-VIS, IR, LC/MS, GC/MS, and others. 


GPC with triple detection

Agilent 1260 Infinity GPC with triple detection featuring RI, viscometry and 20-angle light scattering (MALS). This system enables accurate size/molecular weight analysis of polymers and other macromolecules. Triple detection allows for absolute molecular weight determination along with branching analysis. 


Microwave Synthesizer

CEM Discover 2.0 microwave synthesizer with IR temperature sensor and reaction monitoring via video camera. This instrument can acoomodate various vessel sizes and allows for high pressure/temperature reactions to occur in short timeframes. 


Dynamic Light Scattering

Bettersize BeNano180 Zeta Pro with temperature control and autotitrator. Allows for determination of particle size, zeta potential, molecular weight and rheological properties. Autotitrator facilitates the determination of isoelectric point. 

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Flash Chromatography

Buchi C-900 flash chromatography system with 4 UV wavelength detection and fraction collector. Enables fast and easy separation/purification of organic molecules 



MBraun Labmaster pro inert gas glovebox. Allows for handling of air and moisture sensitive compounds and conducting reaction under inert gas conditions. 

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Buchi Lyovapor L-200 lyophilizer allows for easy drying of samples and removal of solvents (including water) under mild conditions.  


Rotary Evaporator

Buchi R-100 Rotary Evaporator with coldfinger and vaccum controller (2 units available). Allows for gentle and easy removal of organic solvents. 

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Schlenk Lines

Custom made vaccum manifold by in-house glassblower that allow or high-vacuum and nitrogen/argon conditions for organic reactions.

Instrument Access

Equipment can be made available to outside users (please email Prof. Calvo with details).

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